A Place in the Sun

With the first class at Rollinsford over, I am over the moon with excitement. Teaching and spending time in the environment exceeded all my hopes and expectations. The smaller class has inspired me to cap my classes at 4 students, both for the best use of the space, but also for the pure joy of the calm pace and enjoyment that comes with having a small group. I'm going to bombard you with some photos of the class, try to keep in mind that we could hear the waterfall right outside the windows as we worked!

There is still one space available for the October Continuous Arm class, check the site for details. I am also making up the schedule for next years workshops, so please let me know what you would like to see on there.

The morning sun provides enough light for working until about 11

The morning sun provides enough light for working until about 11

Another view of the morning light

Another view of the morning light

Day one splitting out the parts

Day one splitting out the parts

These two had loads of focus

These two had loads of focus

Three glue ups, no big deal

Three glue ups, no big deal

The obligatory class shot. I painted the one in the middle as a sample using Real Milk Paint's Sapphire, a new fav for sure

The obligatory class shot. I painted the one in the middle as a sample using Real Milk Paint's Sapphire, a new fav for sure

And the pups celebrated the end of class too

And the pups celebrated the end of class too