Jig For Drilling through Arm Bows
This link will take you to my site for the plans
This download includes plans and instructions for building and using a bow drilling jig that I developed, along with Kyle Barton, to help drill quick, accurate holes in armbows of chairs. If you find this helpful and interesting, please feel free to download it.
McMaster Carr Drill Parts for Making Drill Extensions
(Check the Link to Kyle’s Page above for the parts for the Bow Drill Jig)
303 Stainless Steel Set Screw Shaft Coupling for 1/2" Diameter Round Shaft
https://www.mcmaster.com/catalog/127/1346 (the expensive one)
Black Oxide Set Screw Shaft Coupling, Black-Oxide Steel, for 1/2" Diameter Round Shaft
6412K14 (less expensive alternative)
Tight-Tolerance Oil-Hardening O1 Tool Steel Rod, 0.5000" Diameter
Multipurpose 304/304L Stainless Steel Rod, 1/4" Diameter
Set Screw Shaft Coupling, Black-Oxide Steel, for 1/4" Diameter Round Shaft
The smaller coupling can fit inside the larger allowing for the smaller rod to
pass through holes that you’ve drilled in a bow or arm and then the larger bits
can be fit into the other end of the large coupling to drill holes into the seat etc..