to Mar 30

The Helix Armchair

This class is full. If you wish to be placed on a waitlist, please email

Please read this page for more info and policies.

In this class, each student will build a “Helix” Armchair. This exciting form pushes the limits of greenwoodworking and woodbending to create a dynamic form that’s both interesting to the eye and comfortable to the body. I’ve been very excited to get this chair into the teaching rotation and the time has finally come! The unique seat carving echoes the twisting arm rail and creates a lot of visual interest and fun carving challenges.

Tuition is $1925 which includes all materials and most tools. Please visit the Student tool list to learn more.

Reservations will be first come first serve. A deposit of $700 is due upon enrollment.

COVID Policy

All students must be vaccinated against Covid 19. We recommend each student traveling for the workshops carry travel insurance in the event their trip is cancelled due to contracting the virus. In the unfortunate situation a class is cancelled or missed due to illness, the class will be rescheduled not refunded.

For questions or to reserve a spot, email

View Event →
to Apr 11

17th-Century Style Carved Oak Box with Peter Follansbee

This class is full. If you wish to be placed on a waitlist, please email

This is two-classes-in-one. One is making the period-style box with rabbet joints, pinned and glued. Working with quartersawn oak boards for the box, white pine for the lids and bottoms. An interior lidded till adds some interest to the box (viewers ooh & aah over the till!) Wooden pintle hinges to attach the lid and handmade iron nails to fasten the bottom round out the construction details. 

But the main event is the carved decoration. Students will do a couple of days of carving, first a full day of practice, then each student will choose the patterns they want to carve for their box parts. Peter will have some finished boxes, many carved samples and photographs of museum pieces from the period as models. 

Boxes will range around 6 1/2”-7” high (including the bottom & lid) and about 22” wide by 14” deep. 

Tuition: $1900. Reservations will be first come first serve. A deposit of $700 is due upon enrollment. Please read this page for more info and policies.

COVID Policy

All students must be vaccinated against Covid 19. We recommend each student traveling for the workshops carry travel insurance in the event their trip is cancelled due to contracting the virus. In the unfortunate situation a class is cancelled or missed due to illness, the class will be rescheduled not refunded.

Tool List:

PLANES - Smooth Plane, block plane, rabbet (optional) longer plane if you have it.

CHISELS-  Narrow chisel for the till trenches - Peter uses a 5/16” and a wide paring chisel, maybe 1”-or 1 1/2”

BORING holes for wooden pins and for iron nails. Peter uses an eggbeater drill with very narrow bit for the nails.  (1/4” or 5/16” for the wooden pegs and 3/8” for the holes for till lid)

SAWS - Backsaw, Crosscut saw, Rip saw -for trimming some width on the pine lids & bottoms

LAYOUT - Square, awl, ruler, (Peter often uses a zig-zag ruler, it helps in fitting the till, but bring what you have), marking gauge, compass

MISC - Hammer, Mallet

CARVING TOOLS; Bring what you can. Everyone will need a V-tool - Peter has a Swiss made, #15, 6mm. For gouges, see the attached PDF showing tools I use a lot, but don’t run out and buy them all.

We can form designs according to what you have. I’ll have some extras, but bring what you have and we’ll go from there.

View Event →
to Apr 19

#207 Chair with Andy Glenn

  • Peter Galbert Chairmaker inc. (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Enrollment for this class is open. If you wish to enroll please email . Spots filled in the order in which they are received.

We are excited to have Andy Glenn hosting class at the shop this year!

Andy is a North Bennet School Alum and served as head of The Woodworking School at Pine Croft (in Berea, KY). He is also and author. His book is now available with Lost Art Press titled “Backwoods Chairs” about current makers in Central Appalachia still working in the post-and-rung chair tradition. Due out in early 2024.

We’ll build a contemporary green wood low back chair using flat reed to weave the seat in this 6-day class. Students will split pieces from a log, shape the parts on the shave horse, bend our back posts and slats, add the carved leg details, and completely assemble the frame before weaving in the bark seat on the final day. Final finishing to be done at home, once the chair and seat have time to dry.

Andy will provide a small tool list before the course, along with weaving options and suppliers.  We'll build this chair frame within the five days.  Weave options will be discussed and demonstrated (as time allows).  Students will complete the weaving after the class. 

This chair is open to all skill levels.  Open to all skill levels. The slender parts, along with rake and splay, make for a fun and challenging build. Please email Andy at if you have any questions about the class.  

Tuition is $1850 which includes all materials and most tools. Please see Tool List below for details.

Reservations will be first come first serve. A deposit of $700 is due upon enrollment.

COVID Policy

All students must be vaccinated against Covid 19. We recommend each student traveling for the workshops carry travel insurance in the event their trip is cancelled due to contracting the virus. In the unfortunate situation a class is cancelled or missed due to illness, the class will be rescheduled not refunded.

Please read this page for more info and policies. Classes are only open to vaccinated individuals.

For questions or to reserve a spot, contact

Tool List:


  • Drawknife

  • Spokeshave (Flat or Round bottomed, flat will be a little easier)

Recommended: (please bring – especially the first eight on this list – but don’t run out to purchase if you don’t own one yet)

  • pencil

  • utility or pocket knife

  • tape measure

  • sliding bevel gauges

  • tenon or dovetail saw

  • sharp chisel

  • pocket knife or (small) straight carving knife

  • claw hammer

  • handsaw (smaller crosscut saw - ideally a tenon saw, though most anything will do)

  • framing square or 24″ straight edge

  • deadblow or lump hammer

  • block plane

  • compass (scribe)

  • card scraper

We’ll use/cover, but not needed (please bring if you have them):

  • froe, maul and wedges

  • hatchet

  • power tenon cutters

  • bevel setting gauge or protractor

View Event →
to Apr 27

Turning Intensive

  • 1 Front Street Rollinsford New Hampshire 03869 (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

This class is full. If you wish to be added to the waitlist please email .

Please read this page for more info and policies. Classes are only open to vaccinated individuals.

We will make lots of shavings while learning to turn parts for making chairs. This class (max 6 students) is open to all levels, we will cover everything from basic technique through to advance shapes and joinery. Tuition ($600) includes all materials and tools. Please visit the Student tool list to learn more.

Reservations will be first come first serve. The full amount of $600 is due upon enrollment.

COVID Policy

All students must be vaccinated against Covid 19. We recommend each student traveling for the workshops carry travel insurance in the event their trip is cancelled due to contracting the virus. In the unfortunate situation a class is cancelled or missed due to illness, the class will be rescheduled not refunded.

For questions or to reserve a spot, contact


View Event →
to May 11

Continuous Arm Class

  • 1 Front Street Rollinsford, NH, 03869 United States (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Enrollment for this class is open. If you wish to enroll please email . Spots filled in the order in which they are received.

Please read this page for more info and policies. Classes are only open to vaccinated individuals.

This 7 day class will focus on the Continuous Arm chair. With it's blend of comfort and grace, it's clearly an achievement in both Windsor design and chair design in general. We will cover all aspects of building this chair from the log. Turnings will be supplied, students may choose from double bobbin (bamboo) or baluster (ornate with beads and coves).

Tuition is $1950 which includes all materials and most tools. Please visit the Student tool list to learn more.

Reservations will be first come first serve. A deposit of $700 is due upon enrollment.

COVID Policy

All students must be vaccinated against Covid 19. We recommend each student traveling for the workshops carry travel insurance in the event their trip is cancelled due to contracting the virus. In the unfortunate situation a class is cancelled or missed due to illness, the class will be rescheduled not refunded.

For questions or to reserve a spot, contact


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to May 18

Sharpening Curved Woodworking Tools with Tim Manney

Enrollment for this class is open. If you wish to enroll please email . Spots filled in the order in which they are received.

If you have ever touched an edged tool to wood, you know how important properly sharpened tools are for making clean, controlled cuts.  In this two day class we will cover sharpening, edge geometry, and tool tuning, and students will gain the confidence to sharpen even the trickiest tools in their toolboxes.  

We’ll start with simple tools like chisels and gouges to work on sharpening fundamentals.  Then we’ll move on to tools with longer edges and more complex shapes like drawknives, inshaves, travishers, and adzes.  Safe and controlled use of the bench grinder is a primary focus of this class and participants will learn to use the grinder to quickly establish the desired edge geometry of their tools.  After grinding we’ll use stones, abrasive paddles, and strops to polish and refine the edges of the tools.

Students should bring eye protection, hearing protection, a chisel, a gouge, a carving knife, a drawknife, and any other tools they are struggling to sharpen. 

Tuition is $400 which includes supplies and grinders needed for sharpening process. 

Reservations will be first come first serve. Tuition is due upon enrollment.

COVID Policy

All students must be vaccinated against Covid 19. We recommend each student traveling for the workshops carry travel insurance in the event their trip is cancelled due to contracting the virus. In the unfortunate situation a class is cancelled or missed due to illness, the class will be rescheduled not refunded.

For questions or to reserve a spot, contact

View Event →
to May 30

17th-Century Style Carved Oak Box with Peter Follansbee

This class is full. If you wish to be placed on a waitlist, please email

This is two-classes-in-one. One is making the period-style box with rabbet joints, pinned and glued. Working with quartersawn oak boards for the box, white pine for the lids and bottoms. An interior lidded till adds some interest to the box (viewers ooh & aah over the till!) Wooden pintle hinges to attach the lid and handmade iron nails to fasten the bottom round out the construction details. 

But the main event is the carved decoration. Students will do a couple of days of carving, first a full day of practice, then each student will choose the patterns they want to carve for their box parts. Peter will have some finished boxes, many carved samples and photographs of museum pieces from the period as models. 

Boxes will range around 6 1/2”-7” high (including the bottom & lid) and about 22” wide by 14” deep. 

Tuition: $1900. Reservations will be first come first serve. A deposit of $700 is due upon enrollment. Please read this page for more info and policies.

COVID Policy

All students must be vaccinated against Covid 19. We recommend each student traveling for the workshops carry travel insurance in the event their trip is cancelled due to contracting the virus. In the unfortunate situation a class is cancelled or missed due to illness, the class will be rescheduled not refunded.

Tool List:

PLANES - Smooth Plane, block plane, rabbet (optional) longer plane if you have it.

CHISELS-  Narrow chisel for the till trenches - Peter uses a 5/16” and a wide paring chisel, maybe 1”-or 1 1/2”

BORING holes for wooden pins and for iron nails. Peter uses an eggbeater drill with very narrow bit for the nails.  (1/4” or 5/16” for the wooden pegs and 3/8” for the holes for till lid)

SAWS - Backsaw, Crosscut saw, Rip saw -for trimming some width on the pine lids & bottoms

LAYOUT - Square, awl, ruler, (Peter often uses a zig-zag ruler, it helps in fitting the till, but bring what you have), marking gauge, compass

MISC - Hammer, Mallet

CARVING TOOLS; Bring what you can. Everyone will need a V-tool - Peter has a Swiss made, #15, 6mm. For gouges, see the attached PDF showing tools I use a lot, but don’t run out and buy them all.

We can form designs according to what you have. I’ll have some extras, but bring what you have and we’ll go from there.

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to Jun 8

Carving Wooden Spoons with Tim Manney (Copy)

This class is full. If you wish to be added to the waitlist, please send an email to

In this two day class, students will start with freshly cut green wood and carve elegant and useful eating or cooking spoons. The class is limited to six people which means there is plenty of time to cover the basics for new carvers and to dive deeper into the nuances with more advanced students. We will learn how to prepare rough logs into blanks and then how to use simple tools to carve those blanks into spoons. There will be a special focus on the knife grips and other techniques that keep us safe while we work and also give us precise control of our primary tools; the carving knife, curved spoon knife, and gouge. We'll also learn some basic sharpening principles and how to sharpen each of the tools that we use.

Students should bring a basic carving knife like a Morakniv 120 or 106. Other tools will be provided, but bring your carving hooks and gouges if you have them. Contact Tim at for more specific tool recommendations.

Tuition is $400 which includes supplies and grinders needed for sharpening process. 

Reservations will be first come first serve. Tuition is due upon enrollment.

COVID Policy

All students must be vaccinated against Covid 19. We recommend each student traveling for the workshops carry travel insurance in the event their trip is cancelled due to contracting the virus. In the unfortunate situation a class is cancelled or missed due to illness, the class will be rescheduled not refunded.

For questions or to reserve a spot, contact

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to Jun 22

Modern Rocking Chair Class

  • 1 Front Street Rollinsford, NH 03869 (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

This class is full. If you wish to be added to the waitlist please email .

This class requires an intermediate to advanced skill level with the hand tools used in green wood chairmaking. (If you are unsure, please contact me to assess whether this project is right for your skill level)

Please read this page for more info and policies. Classes are only open to vaccinated individuals.

This 8 day course will build a rocking chair with classic technology and modern styling in white oak, maple and pine.


Tuition is $2300 which includes all materials and most tools. Please visit the Student tool list to learn more.

Reservations will be first come first serve. A deposit of $700 is due upon enrollment.

COVID Policy

All students must be vaccinated against Covid 19. We recommend each student traveling for the workshops carry travel insurance in the event their trip is cancelled due to contracting the virus. In the unfortunate situation a class is cancelled or missed due to illness, the class will be rescheduled not refunded.

For questions or to reserve a spot, contact


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to Jun 28

Bird Bowls with Dave Fisher: Hens, Wrens, and Geese, Oh My

This class is full. If you wish to be placed on a waitlist, please email

Bird-inspired bowls have been produced from ancient times up to today, across many cultures. We'll begin by carving a goose-inspired bowl, then venture out from there. We'll work through the practical design/layout process together and proceed through each stage of the carving.  Students will make individual design decisions that will allow each bowl to be unique. The same process that we will practice is adaptable to sculptural bowls of many forms, and students will leave with an understanding of how to design and carve their own bowls (bird or otherwise) from either green wood or dry lumber.  Several examples of bird bowls and other bowls will be on hand to explore.

Among the skills and techniques that will be emphasized are:    

  • Envisioning the three-dimensional form in the block of lumber, log, or branch crook.

  • Layout techniques to achieve symmetry and beautiful curves.  Methods that will apply to any style of bowl and beyond.

  • Exploration of various bird forms and how to translate them into figurative bowls.

  • Hollowing and Carving techniques 

  • Sharpening gouges and other carving tools

  • Paint and coloring options

  • Decorative carving techniques using knife and gouge.

Tuition is $1900 which includes all materials.

Reservations will be first come first serve. A deposit of $700 is due upon enrollment.

COVID Policy

All students must be vaccinated against Covid 19. We recommend each student traveling for the workshops carry travel insurance in the event their trip is cancelled due to contracting the virus. In the unfortunate situation a class is cancelled or missed due to illness, the class will be rescheduled not refunded.

Tool List: By bringing your own tools, you'll leave with sharp tools ready to use when you're back at home. Although I'll try to have a spare or two available in a pinch.

12" pencil compass (like this or similar:

#8/25-30mm bent gouge, or very similar Other good spots to compare/look for carving tools: (Auriou or Hirsch) https://twocherriesusa

#6 20-22mm straight gouge or similar.

1"-1.5" chisel (single or double bevel). So, a wide carpenter's chisel that can be hit with a mallet, or a wide carver's chisel that can be hit with a mallet. Alternatively, a wide shallow gouge like a 30-40mm #3 gouge will work just as well.

#8/7mm gouge

Sloyd knife (Mora 106, 120, or similar)

chip carving knife or similar (with a straight cutting edge -- even a utility knife will do)

The following tools could be useful. No pressure, just suggestions. (Bring them if you have them and can fit them):

Hook knife or other hollowing tools. Some of the bird bowl forms I do have very deep steep hollows. For such forms, hook knives like those used for hollowing the bowls of spoons or scorps of one sort or another can be very useful. If you have any, bring them. For bowls, some are more useful than others. One of my favorites for deep steep bowls is the E-bend crooked knife from Kestrel Tool  Lee Stoffer's scorps are also very good: The Kestrel double edge and the fully round scorp form both allow you to adjust to changing grain direction in the bowl hollow.

Two holdfasts for 3/4" holes. Only bring these if you already have some and you are driving. I'll have a bunch at Pete's for you to use.

Block plane or bench plane.

Whatever other carving gouges, hook tools, or the like you have and would like to bring


Pocket Saw or other small hand saw

#7 or #8 spoon-bent gouge Many blacksmiths make similar tools calling them swan-neck, bottoming, or dog-leg gouges.

#8/25mm straight gouge or similar.

V-tool. If you want to get a nice little v-tool that is an incredible bargain and comes razor sharp ready to go: You can find these mikisyo power grip tools elsewhere too. Not for mallet work though.

some sharpening stones/slips/strop (unless your checked baggage is nearing 50 lbs!)


simple notebook/sketchbook and a pencil/pen if you wish to take notes

Substantial carving mallet, I especially recommend the Wood is Good 20oz A search will show the same mallet sold by many places if you want to compare prices. Again, only if you have one and it's easy to bring. We'll have some at Pete's.

View Event →
to Jul 20

Modern Rocking Chair Class (Rescheduled)

  • 1 Front Street Rollinsford, NH 03869 (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Enrollment for this class is open. If you wish to enroll please email . Spots filled in the order in which they are received..

This class requires an intermediate to advanced skill level with the hand tools used in green wood chairmaking. (If you are unsure, please contact me to assess whether this project is right for your skill level)

Please read this page for more info and policies. Classes are only open to vaccinated individuals.

This 8 day course will build a rocking chair with classic technology and modern styling in white oak, maple and pine.


Tuition is $2300 which includes all materials and most tools. Please visit the Student tool list to learn more.

Reservations will be first come first serve. A deposit of $700 is due upon enrollment.

COVID Policy

All students must be vaccinated against Covid 19. We recommend each student traveling for the workshops carry travel insurance in the event their trip is cancelled due to contracting the virus. In the unfortunate situation a class is cancelled or missed due to illness, the class will be rescheduled not refunded.

For questions or to reserve a spot, contact


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to Jul 27

Sharpening Curved Woodworking Tools with Tim Manney (Copy)

Enrollment for this class is open. If you wish to enroll please email . Spots filled in the order in which they are received.

If you have ever touched an edged tool to wood, you know how important properly sharpened tools are for making clean, controlled cuts.  In this two day class we will cover sharpening, edge geometry, and tool tuning, and students will gain the confidence to sharpen even the trickiest tools in their toolboxes.  

We’ll start with simple tools like chisels and gouges to work on sharpening fundamentals.  Then we’ll move on to tools with longer edges and more complex shapes like drawknives, inshaves, travishers, and adzes.  Safe and controlled use of the bench grinder is a primary focus of this class and participants will learn to use the grinder to quickly establish the desired edge geometry of their tools.  After grinding we’ll use stones, abrasive paddles, and strops to polish and refine the edges of the tools.

Students should bring eye protection, hearing protection, a chisel, a gouge, a carving knife, a drawknife, and any other tools they are struggling to sharpen. 

Tuition is $400 which includes supplies and grinders needed for sharpening process. 

Reservations will be first come first serve. Tuition is due upon enrollment.

COVID Policy

All students must be vaccinated against Covid 19. We recommend each student traveling for the workshops carry travel insurance in the event their trip is cancelled due to contracting the virus. In the unfortunate situation a class is cancelled or missed due to illness, the class will be rescheduled not refunded.

For questions or to reserve a spot, contact

View Event →
to Aug 24

Continuous Arm Rocker Class (Reserved)

  • 1 Front Street Rollinsford, NH, 03869 United States (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

This class is full. If you wish to be added to the waitlist please email .

Please read this page for more info and policies. Classes are only open to vaccinated individuals.

This 7 day class will focus on the Continuous Arm Rocker chair. With its blend of comfort and grace, it's clearly an achievement in both Windsor design and chair design in general. We will cover all aspects of building this chair from the log. Turnings will be supplied, students may choose from double bobbin (bamboo) or baluster (ornate with beads and coves).

Tuition is $1950 which includes all materials and most tools. Please visit the Student tool list to learn more.

Reservations will be first come first serve. A deposit of $700 is due upon enrollment.

COVID Policy

All students must be vaccinated against Covid 19. We recommend each student traveling for the workshops carry travel insurance in the event their trip is cancelled due to contracting the virus. In the unfortunate situation a class is cancelled or missed due to illness, the class will be rescheduled not refunded.

For questions or to reserve a spot, contact


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to Sep 27

Build the "Temple" Chair

  • 1 Front Street Rollinsford, NH (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Enrollment for this class is open. If you wish to enroll please email . Spots filled in the order in which they are received.

This 6 day class will build the “Temple” stool. This comfortable, elegant stool is fun to build and because it can be built from kiln dried woods, it’s a great introduction to chair making that can be made anywhere. During the class, we will learn to work with kiln dried woods to get parts that are straight grained with all the benefits of split wood. We will turn some parts as well as learning to drill, carve, bend, join and assemble. New photo of the project will come soon, but please note, materials will vary.

Tuition is $1925 which includes all materials and most tools. Please visit the Student tool list to learn more.

COVID Policy

All students must be vaccinated against Covid 19. We recommend each student traveling for the workshops carry travel insurance in the event their trip is cancelled due to contracting the virus. In the unfortunate situation a class is cancelled or missed due to illness, the class will be rescheduled not refunded.

Reservations will be first come first serve. A deposit of $600 is due upon enrollment.

For questions or to reserve a spot, contact

View Event →
to Oct 18

Bird Bowls with Dave Fisher: Hens, Wrens, and Geese, Oh My

This class is full. If you wish to be placed on a waitlist, please email

Bird-inspired bowls have been produced from ancient times up to today, across many cultures. We'll begin by carving a goose-inspired bowl, then venture out from there. We'll work through the practical design/layout process together and proceed through each stage of the carving.  Students will make individual design decisions that will allow each bowl to be unique. The same process that we will practice is adaptable to sculptural bowls of many forms, and students will leave with an understanding of how to design and carve their own bowls (bird or otherwise) from either green wood or dry lumber.  Several examples of bird bowls and other bowls will be on hand to explore.

Among the skills and techniques that will be emphasized are:    

  • Envisioning the three-dimensional form in the block of lumber, log, or branch crook.

  • Layout techniques to achieve symmetry and beautiful curves.  Methods that will apply to any style of bowl and beyond.

  • Exploration of various bird forms and how to translate them into figurative bowls.

  • Hollowing and Carving techniques 

  • Sharpening gouges and other carving tools

  • Paint and coloring options

  • Decorative carving techniques using knife and gouge.

Tuition is $1900 which includes all materials.

Reservations will be first come first serve. A deposit of $700 is due upon enrollment.

COVID Policy

All students must be vaccinated against Covid 19. We recommend each student traveling for the workshops carry travel insurance in the event their trip is cancelled due to contracting the virus. In the unfortunate situation a class is cancelled or missed due to illness, the class will be rescheduled not refunded.

Tool List: By bringing your own tools, you'll leave with sharp tools ready to use when you're back at home. Although I'll try to have a spare or two available in a pinch.

12" pencil compass (like this or similar:

#8/25-30mm bent gouge, or very similar Other good spots to compare/look for carving tools: (Auriou or Hirsch) https://twocherriesusa

#6 20-22mm straight gouge or similar.

1"-1.5" chisel (single or double bevel). So, a wide carpenter's chisel that can be hit with a mallet, or a wide carver's chisel that can be hit with a mallet. Alternatively, a wide shallow gouge like a 30-40mm #3 gouge will work just as well.

#8/7mm gouge

Sloyd knife (Mora 106, 120, or similar)

chip carving knife or similar (with a straight cutting edge -- even a utility knife will do)

The following tools could be useful. No pressure, just suggestions. (Bring them if you have them and can fit them):

Hook knife or other hollowing tools. Some of the bird bowl forms I do have very deep steep hollows. For such forms, hook knives like those used for hollowing the bowls of spoons or scorps of one sort or another can be very useful. If you have any, bring them. For bowls, some are more useful than others. One of my favorites for deep steep bowls is the E-bend crooked knife from Kestrel Tool  Lee Stoffer's scorps are also very good: The Kestrel double edge and the fully round scorp form both allow you to adjust to changing grain direction in the bowl hollow.

Two holdfasts for 3/4" holes. Only bring these if you already have some and you are driving. I'll have a bunch at Pete's for you to use.

Block plane or bench plane.

Whatever other carving gouges, hook tools, or the like you have and would like to bring


Pocket Saw or other small hand saw

#7 or #8 spoon-bent gouge Many blacksmiths make similar tools calling them swan-neck, bottoming, or dog-leg gouges.

#8/25mm straight gouge or similar.

V-tool. If you want to get a nice little v-tool that is an incredible bargain and comes razor sharp ready to go: You can find these mikisyo power grip tools elsewhere too. Not for mallet work though.

some sharpening stones/slips/strop (unless your checked baggage is nearing 50 lbs!)


simple notebook/sketchbook and a pencil/pen if you wish to take notes

Substantial carving mallet, I especially recommend the Wood is Good 20oz A search will show the same mallet sold by many places if you want to compare prices. Again, only if you have one and it's easy to bring. We'll have some at Pete's.

View Event →
to Nov 2

The Helix Armchair

Enrollment for this class is open. If you wish to enroll please email . Spots filled in the order in which they are received.

Please read this page for more info and policies.

In this class, each student will build a “Helix” Armchair. This exciting form pushes the limits of greenwoodworking and woodbending to create a dynamic form that’s both interesting to the eye and comfortable to the body. I’ve been very excited to get this chair into the teaching rotation and the time has finally come! The unique seat carving echoes the twisting arm rail and creates a lot of visual interest and fun carving challenges.

Tuition is $1925 which includes all materials and most tools. Please visit the Student tool list to learn more.

Reservations will be first come first serve. A deposit of $700 is due upon enrollment.

COVID Policy

All students must be vaccinated against Covid 19. We recommend each student traveling for the workshops carry travel insurance in the event their trip is cancelled due to contracting the virus. In the unfortunate situation a class is cancelled or missed due to illness, the class will be rescheduled not refunded.

For questions or to reserve a spot, email

View Event →
to Dec 7

Continuous Arm Class

  • 1 Front Street Rollinsford, NH, 03869 United States (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Enrollment for this class is open. If you wish to enroll please email . Spots filled in the order in which they are received.

Please read this page for more info and policies. Classes are only open to vaccinated individuals.

This 7 day class will focus on the Continuous Arm chair. With it's blend of comfort and grace, it's clearly an achievement in both Windsor design and chair design in general. We will cover all aspects of building this chair from the log. Turnings will be supplied, students may choose from double bobbin (bamboo) or baluster (ornate with beads and coves).

Tuition is $1950 which includes all materials and most tools. Please visit the Student tool list to learn more.

Reservations will be first come first serve. A deposit of $700 is due upon enrollment.

COVID Policy

All students must be vaccinated against Covid 19. We recommend each student traveling for the workshops carry travel insurance in the event their trip is cancelled due to contracting the virus. In the unfortunate situation a class is cancelled or missed due to illness, the class will be rescheduled not refunded.

For questions or to reserve a spot, contact


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to Mar 23

Carving Wooden Spoons with Tim Manney

This class is full. If you wish to be placed on a waitlist, please email

In this two day class, students will start with freshly cut green wood and carve elegant and useful eating or cooking spoons. The class is limited to six people which means there is plenty of time to cover the basics for new carvers and to dive deeper into the nuances with more advanced students. We will learn how to prepare rough logs into blanks and then how to use simple tools to carve those blanks into spoons. There will be a special focus on the knife grips and other techniques that keep us safe while we work and also give us precise control of our primary tools; the carving knife, curved spoon knife, and gouge. We'll also learn some basic sharpening principles and how to sharpen each of the tools that we use.

Students should bring a basic carving knife like a Morakniv 120 or 106. Other tools will be provided, but bring your carving hooks and gouges if you have them. Contact Tim at for more specific tool recommendations.

Tuition is $400 which includes supplies and grinders needed for sharpening process. 

Reservations will be first come first serve. Tuition is due upon enrollment.

COVID Policy

All students must be vaccinated against Covid 19. We recommend each student traveling for the workshops carry travel insurance in the event their trip is cancelled due to contracting the virus. In the unfortunate situation a class is cancelled or missed due to illness, the class will be rescheduled not refunded.

For questions or to reserve a spot, contact

View Event →
to Mar 15

Bowl Carving Exploration with Dave Fisher

Enrollment for this class is open. If you wish to enroll please email . Spots filled in the order in which they are received.

Beginning with rough stock, carve a graceful and useful serving bowl that will complement your dining table or counter.  More importantly, with each step we'll explore the concepts that will allow you to layout and carve a variety of bowls going forward beyond the class.  Time will also be devoted to important skills and techniques such as sharpening, workholding, and finishing.  We'll also create sample boards with  different decorative carving motifs to be taken home for future reference.  We'll study designs from in-person pieces as well as photographs.  This six-day format  should allow for a dive into interests and questions as they arise.  We'll see where it goes!  Let's have a blast exploring the world of carved bowls together.  

Tuition is $1900 which includes all materials.

Reservations will be first come first serve. A deposit of $700 is due upon enrollment.

COVID Policy

All students must be vaccinated against Covid 19. We recommend each student traveling for the workshops carry travel insurance in the event their trip is cancelled due to contracting the virus. In the unfortunate situation a class is cancelled or missed due to illness, the class will be rescheduled not refunded.

Tool List: By bringing your own tools, you'll leave with sharp tools ready to use when you're back at home. Although I'll try to have a spare or two available in a pinch.

12" pencil compass (like this or similar:

Block plane  

#8/25-30mm longbent gouge Other good spots to compare/look for carving tools: https://twocherriesusa

#5/25-30mm longbent gouge

#6/14mm gouge

#8/7mm gouge

Carving mallet, I especially recommend the Wood is Good 20oz is an ideal link if you're buying the holdfasts too. A search will show the same mallet sold by many places if you want to compare prices. If you can't bring one, no worries, I'm going to have some at Pete's.

chip carving knife or similar (with a straight cutting edge -- even a utility knife will do)

Could be useful (Bring them if you have them.):

spokeshave (flat sole)

Two holdfasts for 3/4" holes Those are the holdfasts I use, but others will work just as well. If you have holdfasts and are driving, please bring them. If you're flying, you can leave them behind and save some weight in your bag. Only bring these if you already have some and you are driving. I'll have a bunch at Pete's for you to use.

Fishtail chisel, double bevel 12-16mm

Sloyd knife (Mora 106, 120, or similar)

Whatever other carving gouges, hook tools, or the like you have and would like to bring

Neither an adze nor an axe are needed for this class, so there is no need to bring one unless you have extra room and want to for whatever reason.

some sharpening stones/slips/strop (unless your checked baggage is nearing 50 lbs!)

small square -- adjustable is even better

simple notebook/sketchbook and a pencil/pen if you wish to take notes

Jack plane (small bench plane) -- not necessary, but if you're driving and can throw it in...

View Event →
to Mar 9

Turning Intensive

  • 1 Front Street Rollinsford New Hampshire 03869 (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

This class is full. If you wish to be added to the waitlist please email .

Please read this page for more info and policies. Classes are only open to vaccinated individuals.

We will make lots of shavings while learning to turn parts for making chairs. This class (max 6 students) is open to all levels, we will cover everything from basic technique through to advance shapes and joinery. Tuition ($600) includes all materials and tools. Please visit the Student tool list to learn more.

Reservations will be first come first serve. The full amount of $600 is due upon enrollment.

COVID Policy

All students must be vaccinated against Covid 19. We recommend each student traveling for the workshops carry travel insurance in the event their trip is cancelled due to contracting the virus. In the unfortunate situation a class is cancelled or missed due to illness, the class will be rescheduled not refunded.

For questions or to reserve a spot, contact


View Event →
to Feb 23

Carving Wooden Spoons with Tim Manney

Enrollment for this class is open. If you wish to enroll please email . Spots filled in the order in which they are received..

In this two day class, students will start with freshly cut green wood and carve elegant and useful eating or cooking spoons. The class is limited to six people which means there is plenty of time to cover the basics for new carvers and to dive deeper into the nuances with more advanced students. We will learn how to prepare rough logs into blanks and then how to use simple tools to carve those blanks into spoons. There will be a special focus on the knife grips and other techniques that keep us safe while we work and also give us precise control of our primary tools; the carving knife, curved spoon knife, and gouge. We'll also learn some basic sharpening principles and how to sharpen each of the tools that we use.

Students should bring a basic carving knife like a Morakniv 120 or 106. Other tools will be provided, but bring your carving hooks and gouges if you have them. Contact Tim at for more specific tool recommendations.

Tuition is $400 which includes supplies and grinders needed for sharpening process. 

Reservations will be first come first serve. Tuition is due upon enrollment.

COVID Policy

All students must be vaccinated against Covid 19. We recommend each student traveling for the workshops carry travel insurance in the event their trip is cancelled due to contracting the virus. In the unfortunate situation a class is cancelled or missed due to illness, the class will be rescheduled not refunded.

For questions or to reserve a spot, contact

View Event →
to Feb 16

Continuous Arm Class

  • 1 Front Street Rollinsford, NH, 03869 United States (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

This class is full. If you wish to be added to the waitlist please email .

Please read this page for more info and policies. Classes are only open to vaccinated individuals.

This 7 day class will focus on the Continuous Arm chair. With it's blend of comfort and grace, it's clearly an achievement in both Windsor design and chair design in general. We will cover all aspects of building this chair from the log. Turnings will be supplied, students may choose from double bobbin (bamboo) or baluster (ornate with beads and coves).

Tuition is $1950 which includes all materials and most tools. Please visit the Student tool list to learn more.

Reservations will be first come first serve. A deposit of $700 is due upon enrollment.

COVID Policy

All students must be vaccinated against Covid 19. We recommend each student traveling for the workshops carry travel insurance in the event their trip is cancelled due to contracting the virus. In the unfortunate situation a class is cancelled or missed due to illness, the class will be rescheduled not refunded.

For questions or to reserve a spot, contact


View Event →
to Dec 15

Carving Wooden Spoons with Tim Manney

This class is full. If you wish to be added to the waitlist, please send an email to

In this two day class, students will start with freshly cut green wood and carve elegant and useful eating or cooking spoons. The class is limited to six people which means there is plenty of time to cover the basics for new carvers and to dive deeper into the nuances with more advanced students. We will learn how to prepare rough logs into blanks and then how to use simple tools to carve those blanks into spoons. There will be a special focus on the knife grips and other techniques that keep us safe while we work and also give us precise control of our primary tools; the carving knife, curved spoon knife, and gouge. We'll also learn some basic sharpening principles and how to sharpen each of the tools that we use.

Students should bring a basic carving knife like a Morakniv 120 or 106. Other tools will be provided, but bring your carving hooks and gouges if you have them. Contact Tim at for more specific tool recommendations.

Tuition is $400 which includes supplies and grinders needed for sharpening process. 

Reservations will be first come first serve. Tuition is due upon enrollment.

COVID Policy

All students must be vaccinated against Covid 19. We recommend each student traveling for the workshops carry travel insurance in the event their trip is cancelled due to contracting the virus. In the unfortunate situation a class is cancelled or missed due to illness, the class will be rescheduled not refunded.

For questions or to reserve a spot, contact

View Event →
to Dec 6

Make a Lowbow Armchair with Bern Chandley!

This class is full, please send an email to if you wish to be placed on the waitlist!

An award winning contemporary design, the lowbow diner was inspired by the smaller dwellings that have become the norm in modern cities. Whilst they would be perfectly at home in a larger room where the easy contrast between it’s almost primary shapes would be on full view, they come into their own in the confined spaces of apartment living. The lowbow is light, versatile, comfortable and comes with the structual integrity endemic to all windsor chairs.

Class tuition is $2300 with a $800 deposit due upon enrollment

Please read this page for more info and policies. Classes are only open to vaccinated individuals.

To enroll or contact Pete with any questions at

View Event →
to Nov 22

Make the #14 Chair with Bern Chandley!

This class is full. If you wish to be added to the waitlist, please email


This is a very special opportunity to work with Bern Chandley and Pete Galbert as they teach you how to build Bern's exceptional chair design. Bern has melded the tradition Windsor and the Danish Modern aesthetic in this acclaimed chair featuring a crinoline stretcher and hardwood seat. This class will cover all aspect of making the chair, from material selection, design, wood technology and all the joinery that goes into this amazing design. Bern is one of Australia's best and we are thrilled to have lured him to America to teach at the school. This is a one time class offering, please act fast if you wish to enroll, spots will go fast.

Class tuition is $2300 with a $800 deposit due upon enrollment

Please read this page for more info and policies. Classes are only open to vaccinated individuals.

To enroll or contact Pete with any questions at

View Event →
to Nov 10

Modern Rocking Chair Class

  • 1 Front Street Rollinsford, NH 03869 (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

This class is full. If you wish to be added to the waitlist, please email .

(Please contact me to assess whether this project is right for your skill level)

This 8 day course will build a rocking chair with classic technology and modern styling in white oak, maple and pine.


Tuition is $2300 which includes all materials and most tools. Please visit the Student tool list to learn more.

Reservations will be first come first serve. A deposit of $800 is due upon enrollment.

COVID Policy

All students must be vaccinated against Covid 19. We recommend each student traveling for the workshops carry travel insurance in the event their trip is cancelled due to contracting the virus. In the unfortunate situation a class is cancelled or missed due to illness, the class will be rescheduled not refunded.

Please read this page for more info and policies. Classes are only open to vaccinated individuals.

For questions or to reserve a spot, contact


View Event →
to Oct 27

Sharpening Curved Woodworking Tools with Tim Manney

This class is full. Please send an email to if you would like to be added to the wailist.

If you have ever touched an edged tool to wood, you know how important properly sharpened tools are for making clean, controlled cuts.  In this two day class we will cover sharpening, edge geometry, and tool tuning, and students will gain the confidence to sharpen even the trickiest tools in their toolboxes.  

We’ll start with simple tools like chisels and gouges to work on sharpening fundamentals.  Then we’ll move on to tools with longer edges and more complex shapes like drawknives, inshaves, travishers, and adzes.  Safe and controlled use of the bench grinder is a primary focus of this class and participants will learn to use the grinder to quickly establish the desired edge geometry of their tools.  After grinding we’ll use stones, abrasive paddles, and strops to polish and refine the edges of the tools.

Students should bring eye protection, hearing protection, a chisel, a gouge, a carving knife, a drawknife, and any other tools they are struggling to sharpen. 

Tuition is $400 which includes supplies and grinders needed for sharpening process. 

Reservations will be first come first serve. Tuition is due upon enrollment.

COVID Policy

All students must be vaccinated against Covid 19. We recommend each student traveling for the workshops carry travel insurance in the event their trip is cancelled due to contracting the virus. In the unfortunate situation a class is cancelled or missed due to illness, the class will be rescheduled not refunded.

For questions or to reserve a spot, contact

View Event →
to Oct 19

Build the "Temple" chair

  • 1 Front Street Rollinsford, NH (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

This class is full. If you wish to be added to the waitlist, please email

Please read this page for more info and policies. Classes are only open to vaccinated individuals.

This 6 day class will build the “Temple” stool. This comfortable, elegant stool is fun to build and because it can be built from kiln dried woods, it’s a great introduction to chair making that can be made anywhere. During the class, we will learn to work with kiln dried woods to get parts that are straight grained with all the benefits of split wood. We will turn some parts as well as learning to drill, carve, bend, join and assemble. New photo of the project will come soon, but please note, materials will vary.

Tuition is $1925 which includes all materials and most tools. Please visit the Student tool list to learn more.

COVID Policy

All students must be vaccinated against Covid 19. We recommend each student traveling for the workshops carry travel insurance in the event their trip is cancelled due to contracting the virus. In the unfortunate situation a class is cancelled or missed due to illness, the class will be rescheduled not refunded.

Reservations will be first come first serve. A deposit of $600 is due upon enrollment.

For questions or to reserve a spot, contact

View Event →
to Oct 12

Bowl Carving Exploration with Dave Fisher

This class is full. If you wish to be added to the waitlist, please email

Please read this page for more info and policies.

Beginning with rough stock, carve a graceful and useful serving bowl that will complement your dining table or counter.  More importantly, with each step we'll explore the concepts that will allow you to layout and carve a variety of bowls going forward beyond the class.  Time will also be devoted to important skills and techniques such as sharpening, workholding, and finishing.  We'll also create sample boards with  different decorative carving motifs to be taken home for future reference.  We'll study designs from in-person pieces as well as photographs.  This six-day format  should allow for a dive into interests and questions as they arise.  We'll see where it goes!  Let's have a blast exploring the world of carved bowls together.  

Tuition is $1900 which includes all materials.

Reservations will be first come first serve. A deposit of $700 is due upon enrollment.

COVID Policy

All students must be vaccinated against Covid 19. We recommend each student traveling for the workshops carry travel insurance in the event their trip is cancelled due to contracting the virus. In the unfortunate situation a class is cancelled or missed due to illness, the class will be rescheduled not refunded.

Tool List:

Two holdfasts for 3/4" holes

12" pencil compass (like this or similar:

Block plane  

Deep sweep longbent gouge (similar to #8/30mm longbent gouge)

Shallow sweep longbent gouge (similar to #5/25mm longbent gouge)

#6/14mm gouge

#8/7-10mm gouge 

Carving mallet


Sloyd knife (Mora 106, 120, or similar)

chip carving knife or similar (with a straight cutting edge -- even a utility knife will do)

Could be useful (Bring them if you have them.):

spokeshave (flat sole)

#8/4mm gouge 

1" chisel, single or double bevel

Whatever other carving gouges, hook tools, or the like you have and would like to bring

adze (do not go out and buy one for this class)

carving hatchet (again, if you have one already)

some sharpening stones/slips/strop (unless your checked baggage is nearing 50 lbs!)

small square -- adjustable is even better

simple notebook/sketchbook and a pencil/pen

Jack plane (small bench plane) -- not necessary, but if you're driving and can throw it in...

View Event →
to Oct 6

Carving Wooden Spoon with Tim Manney

This class is full. If you wish to be added to the waitlist, please email

In this two day class, students will start with freshly cut green wood and carve elegant and useful eating or cooking spoons. The class is limited to six people which means there is plenty of time to cover the basics for new carvers and to dive deeper into the nuances with more advanced students. We will learn how to prepare rough logs into blanks and then how to use simple tools to carve those blanks into spoons. There will be a special focus on the knife grips and other techniques that keep us safe while we work and also give us precise control of our primary tools; the carving knife, curved spoon knife, and gouge. We'll also learn some basic sharpening principles and how to sharpen each of the tools that we use.

Students should bring a basic carving knife like a Morakniv 120 or 106. Other tools will be provided, but bring your carving hooks and gouges if you have them. Contact Tim at for more specific tool recommendations.

Tuition is $400 which includes supplies and grinders needed for sharpening process. 

Reservations will be first come first serve. Tuition is due upon enrollment.

COVID Policy

All students must be vaccinated against Covid 19. We recommend each student traveling for the workshops carry travel insurance in the event their trip is cancelled due to contracting the virus. In the unfortunate situation a class is cancelled or missed due to illness, the class will be rescheduled not refunded.

For questions or to reserve a spot, contact

View Event →
to Sep 22

Turning Intensive

  • 1 Front Street Rollinsford New Hampshire 03869 (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

This class is full. If you wish to be added to the waitlist, please email .

Please read this page for more info and policies. Classes are only open to vaccinated individuals.

We will make lots of shavings while learning to turn parts for making chairs. This class (max 6 students) is open to all levels, we will cover everything from basic technique through to advance shapes and joinery. Tuition ($600) includes all materials and tools. Please visit the Student tool list to learn more.

Reservations will be first come first serve. The full amount of $600 is due upon enrollment.

COVID Policy

All students must be vaccinated against Covid 19. We recommend each student traveling for the workshops carry travel insurance in the event their trip is cancelled due to contracting the virus. In the unfortunate situation a class is cancelled or missed due to illness, the class will be rescheduled not refunded.

For questions or to reserve a spot, contact


View Event →
to Sep 14

17th-Century Style Carved Oak Box with Peter Follansbee

This class is full. If you wish to be added to the waitlist, please email

This is two-classes-in-one. One is making the period-style box with rabbet joints, pinned and glued. Working with quartersawn oak boards for the box, white pine for the lids and bottoms. An interior lidded till adds some interest to the box (viewers ooh & aah over the till!) Wooden pintle hinges to attach the lid and handmade iron nails to fasten the bottom round out the construction details. 

But the main event is the carved decoration. Students will do a couple of days of carving, first a full day of practice, then each student will choose the patterns they want to carve for their box parts. Peter will have some finished boxes, many carved samples and photographs of museum pieces from the period as models. 

Boxes will range around 6 1/2”-7” high (including the bottom & lid) and about 22” wide by 14” deep. 

Tuition: $1900. Reservations will be first come first serve. A deposit of $700 is due upon enrollment. Please read this page for more info and policies.

COVID Policy

All students must be vaccinated against Covid 19. We recommend each student traveling for the workshops carry travel insurance in the event their trip is cancelled due to contracting the virus. In the unfortunate situation a class is cancelled or missed due to illness, the class will be rescheduled not refunded.

Tool List:

PLANES - Smooth Plane, block plane, rabbet (optional) longer plane if you have it.

CHISELS-  Narrow chisel for the till trenches - Peter uses a 5/16” and a wide paring chisel, maybe 1”-or 1 1/2”

BORING holes for wooden pins and for iron nails. Peter uses an eggbeater drill with very narrow bit for the nails.  (1/4” or 5/16” for the wooden pegs and 3/8” for the holes for till lid)

SAWS - Backsaw, Crosscut saw, Rip saw -for trimming some width on the pine lids & bottoms

LAYOUT - Square, awl, ruler, (Peter often uses a zig-zag ruler, it helps in fitting the till, but bring what you have), marking gauge, compass

MISC - Hammer, Mallet

CARVING TOOLS; Bring what you can. Everyone will need a V-tool - Peter has a Swiss made, #15, 6mm. For gouges, see the attached PDF showing tools I use a lot, but don’t run out and buy them all.

We can form designs according to what you have. I’ll have some extras, but bring what you have and we’ll go from there.

View Event →
to Sep 1

Modern Rocking Chair Class

  • 1 Front Street Rollinsford, NH 03869 (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

This class is full, please contact send an email to if you wish to be placed on the waitlist!

Classes are only open to vaccinated individuals.(Please contact me to assess whether this project is right for your skill level)

This 8 day course will build a rocking chair with classic technology and modern styling in white oak, maple and pine.


Tuition is $2325 which includes all materials and most tools. Please visit the Student tool list to learn more.

Reservations will be first come first serve. A deposit of $600 is due upon enrollment.

For questions or to reserve a spot, contact


View Event →
to Aug 17

Bowl Carving Exploration with Dave Fisher

This class is full, please contact send an email to if you wish to be placed on the waitlist!

Please read this page for more info and policies.

Beginning with rough stock, carve a graceful and useful serving bowl that will complement your dining table or counter.  More importantly, with each step we'll explore the concepts that will allow you to layout and carve a variety of bowls going forward beyond the class.  Time will also be devoted to important skills and techniques such as sharpening, workholding, and finishing.  We'll also create sample boards with  different decorative carving motifs to be taken home for future reference.  We'll study designs from in-person pieces as well as photographs.  This six-day format  should allow for a dive into interests and questions as they arise.  We'll see where it goes!  Let's have a blast exploring the world of carved bowls together.  

Tuition is $1900 which includes all materials.

Reservations will be first come first serve. A deposit of $700 is due upon enrollment.

Tool List:

Two holdfasts for 3/4" holes

12" pencil compass (like this or similar:

Block plane  

Deep sweep longbent gouge (similar to #8/30mm longbent gouge)

Shallow sweep longbent gouge (similar to #5/25mm longbent gouge)

#6/14mm gouge, or similar

Carving mallet

Aluminum or wood yard stick


Sloyd knife (Mora 106, 120, or similar)

chip carving knife or similar (with a straight cutting edge -- even a utility knife will do)

Could be useful (Bring them if you have them.):

spokeshave (flat sole)

#8/7-10mm gouge 

#8/4mm gouge 

#5/18mm gouge

Whatever other carving gouges, hook tools, or the like you have and would like to bring

adze (do not go out and buy one for this class)

carving hatchet (again, if you have one already)

some sharpening stones/slips/strop (unless your checked baggage is nearing 50 lbs!)

small square -- adjustable is even better

simple notebook/sketchbook and a pencil/pen

a piece of non-slip matting (rug/router pad or something like that) maybe 2' x 1' or so

Jack plane (small bench plane) -- not necessary, but if you're driving and can throw it in...

View Event →
to Jul 14

Continuous Arm Class

  • 1 Front Street Rollinsford, NH, 03869 United States (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

This class is full, please send an email to if you want to be on the waitlist.

Classes are filled in the order requests come in and sell out quickly, so please act expeditiously if you are interested in attending.

Please read this page for more info and policies. Classes are only open to vaccinated individuals.

This 7 day class will focus on the Continuous Arm chair. With it's blend of comfort and grace, it's clearly an achievement in both Windsor design and chair design in general. We will cover all aspects of building this chair from the log. Turnings will be supplied, students may choose from double bobbin (bamboo) or baluster (ornate with beads and coves).

Tuition is $1975 which includes all materials and most tools. Please visit the Student tool list to learn more.

Reservations will be first come first serve. A deposit of $600 is due upon enrollment.

For questions or to reserve a spot, contact


View Event →
to Jun 9

The Helix Armchair

This class is full, please email if you want to be on the waitlist!

Please read this page for more info and policies. Classes are only open to vaccinated individuals.

In this class, each student will build a “Helix” Armchair. This exciting form pushes the limits of greenwoodworking and woodbending to create a dynamic form that’s both interesting to the eye and comfortable to the body. I’ve been very excited to get this chair into the teaching rotation and the time has finally come! The unique seat carving echoes the twisting arm rail and creates a lot of visual interest and fun carving challenges.

Tuition is $1900 which includes all materials and most tools. Please visit the Student tool list to learn more.

Reservations will be first come first serve. A deposit of $600 is due upon enrollment.

For questions or to reserve a spot, email

View Event →
to May 26

Carving Wooden Spoon with Tim Manney

This class is full, please send an email to if you want to be on the waitlist.

In this two day class, students will start with freshly cut green wood and carve elegant and useful eating or cooking spoons. The class is limited to six people which means there is plenty of time to cover the basics for new carvers and to dive deeper into the nuances with more advanced students. We will learn how to prepare rough logs into blanks and then how to use simple tools to carve those blanks into spoons. There will be a special focus on the knife grips and other techniques that keep us safe while we work and also give us precise control of our primary tools; the carving knife, curved spoon knife, and gouge. We'll also learn some basic sharpening principles and how to sharpen each of the tools that we use.

Students should bring a basic carving knife like a Morakniv 120 or 106. Other tools will be provided, but bring your carving hooks and gouges if you have them. Contact Tim at for more specific tool recommendations.

Tuition is $400 which includes supplies and grinders needed for sharpening process. 

Reservations will be first come first serve. Tuition is due upon enrollment.

For questions or to reserve a spot, contact

View Event →
to May 19

Turning Intensive

  • 1 Front Street Rollinsford New Hampshire 03869 (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

This class is full, please send an email to if you want to be on the waitlist.

Please read this page for more info and policies. Classes are only open to vaccinated individuals.

We will make lots of shavings while learning to turn parts for making chairs. This class (max 6 students) is open to all levels, we will cover everything from basic technique through to advance shapes and joinery. Tuition ($600) includes all materials and tools. Please visit the Student tool list to learn more.

Reservations will be first come first serve. The full amount of $600 is due upon enrollment.

For questions or to reserve a spot, contact


View Event →
to May 17

Green Wood Lounge Chair with Andy Glenn

  • Peter Galbert Chairmaker inc. (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

This class is full, please send an email to if you want to be on the waitlist.

We are excited to have Andy Glenn hosting class at the shop this year!

Andy is a North Bennet School Alum and served as head of The Woodworking School at Pine Croft (in Berea, KY). He is also and author. His book is now available with Lost Art Press titled “Backwoods Chairs” about current makers in Central Appalachia still working in the post-and-rung chair tradition. Due out in early 2024.

We'll build a post and rung lounge chair of red oak in this five day class.  With plenty of emphasis on the drawknife and spokeshave, we'll shape and bend our parts before assembling our chairs. This form uses different moisture content between parts to strengthen the joinery - the posts contain moisture while the rungs are kiln dry - making an incredibly strong joint.  

Andy will provide a small tool list before the course, along with weaving options and suppliers.  We'll build this chair frame within the five days.  Weave options will be discussed and demonstrated (as time allows).  Students will complete the weaving after the class. 

This chair is open to all skill levels.  There's challenge and success here for experienced chairmakers or beginners alike.  Please email Andy at if you have any questions about the class.  

Tuition is $1650 which includes all materials and most tools. Please see Tool List below for details.

Reservations will be first come first serve. A deposit of $600 is due upon enrollment.

For questions or to reserve a spot, contact

Tool List:


  • Drawknife

  • Spokeshave (Flat or Round bottomed, flat will be a little easier)

Recommended: (please bring – especially the first eight on this list – but don’t run out to purchase if you don’t own one yet)

  • pencil

  • utility or pocket knife

  • tape measure

  • sliding bevel gauges

  • tenon or dovetail saw

  • sharp chisel

  • pocket knife or (small) straight carving knife

  • claw hammer

  • handsaw (smaller crosscut saw - ideally a tenon saw, though most anything will do)

  • framing square or 24″ straight edge

  • deadblow or lump hammer

  • block plane

  • compass (scribe)

  • card scraper

We’ll use/cover, but not needed (please bring if you have them):

  • froe, maul and wedges

  • hatchet

  • power tenon cutters

  • bevel setting gauge or protractor

View Event →
to Apr 28

Side Chair Class

  • 3 Front Street Rollinsford, NH (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

This class is full, please send an email to if you want to be on the waitlist.

Please read this page for more info and policies. Classes are only open to vaccinated individuals.

This 7 day side chair class covers the Balloon Back and Fan Back side chairs, both from my book "Chairmaker's Notebook". Students can choose the style of chair that they want to build as well as the style of the turnings, either double bobbin (bamboo) or baluster (ornate with beads and coves).

Tuition is $1800 which includes all materials and most tools. Please visit the Student tool list to learn more.

Reservations will be first come first serve. A deposit of $600 is due upon enrollment.

For questions or to reserve a spot, contact

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to Apr 21

Sharpening Curved Woodworking Tools with Tim Manney

This class is full, please send an email to if you want to be on the waitlist.

If you have ever touched an edged tool to wood, you know how important properly sharpened tools are for making clean, controlled cuts.  In this two day class we will cover sharpening, edge geometry, and tool tuning, and students will gain the confidence to sharpen even the trickiest tools in their toolboxes.  

We’ll start with simple tools like chisels and gouges to work on sharpening fundamentals.  Then we’ll move on to tools with longer edges and more complex shapes like drawknives, inshaves, travishers, and adzes.  Safe and controlled use of the bench grinder is a primary focus of this class and participants will learn to use the grinder to quickly establish the desired edge geometry of their tools.  After grinding we’ll use stones, abrasive paddles, and strops to polish and refine the edges of the tools.

Students should bring eye protection, hearing protection, a chisel, a gouge, a carving knife, a drawknife, and any other tools they are struggling to sharpen. 

Tuition is $400 which includes supplies and grinders needed for sharpening process. 

Reservations will be first come first serve. Tuition is due upon enrollment.

For questions or to reserve a spot, contact

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to Apr 13

Make a Chair from a Tree with Peter Follansbee!

A spot has open up for this class. To register, please send an email to

In this 6 day class, students will work through the entire process of making what Follansbee calls the “JA chair” - for Jennie Alexander, whose book Make a Chair from a Tree introduced thousands to chairmaking. Featuring steam-bent rear posts and 2 bent slats, this chair is both attractive  and comfortable. Students will learn all the steps involved in making this post-and-rung chair - splitting, riving with the froe, drawknife and spokeshave work - as well as the joinery; mortises bored with a brace and bit, tenons formed with a spokeshave, all will be covered in detail. Interlocking mortise and tenon joinery gives the chair its strength. The critical mechanics of wet/dry joinery are covered in detail. The kiln-dried rungs fit tightly into mortises in the posts, which still contain some moisture. The joint both shrinks and swells together, never to come undone. 

Reservations will be first come first serve. A deposit of $600 is due upon enrollment.

Peter Follansbee has made these chairs from green wood since 1978, learning the craft from John (Jennie) Alexander and Drew Langsner. 

Students will receive a tool list of some basic required tools, as well as optional tools. The instructor(s) will have many tools available for students’ use. We’ll provide a list of seating materials/options and will have some finished examples on hand. There should be time for some seat weaving; a demonstration of weaving hickory bark and/or Shaker tape often fits into the final day of class.  Tuition is $1750, a deposit of $600 will reserve your spot and the remainder of tuition is due at 4 weeks before the class. You can email to reserve your spot after 8 am on Nov 15.

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to Apr 7

Turning Intensive

  • 1 Front Street Rollinsford New Hampshire 03869 (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

One spot left for this class. To register, please email

Please read this page for more info and policies. Classes are only open to vaccinated individuals.

We will make lots of shavings while learning to turn parts for making chairs. This class (max 6 students) is open to all levels, we will cover everything from basic technique through to advance shapes and joinery. Tuition ($600) includes all materials and tools. Please visit the Student tool list to learn more.

Reservations will be first come first serve. The full amount of $600 is due upon enrollment.

For questions or to reserve a spot, contact


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to Mar 24

Modern Rocking Chair Class

  • 1 Front Street Rollinsford, NH 03869 (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

This class is full, please send an email to if you want to be on the waitlist.

Classes are only open to vaccinated individuals.(Please contact me to assess whether this project is right for your skill level)

This 8 day course will build a rocking chair with classic technology and modern styling in white oak, maple and pine.


Tuition is $2300 which includes all materials and most tools. Please visit the Student tool list to learn more.

Reservations will be first come first serve. A deposit of $600 is due upon enrollment.

For questions or to reserve a spot, contact


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to Feb 11

Continuous Arm Class

  • 1 Front Street Rollinsford, NH, 03869 United States (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

This class if full, please send an email to if you want to be on the waitlist.

Please read this page for more info and policies. Classes are only open to vaccinated individuals.

This 7 day class will focus on the Continuous Arm chair. With it's blend of comfort and grace, it's clearly an achievement in both Windsor design and chair design in general. We will cover all aspects of building this chair from the log. Turnings will be supplied, students may choose from double bobbin (bamboo) or baluster (ornate with beads and coves).

Tuition is $1950 which includes all materials and most tools. Please visit the Student tool list to learn more.

Reservations will be first come first serve. A deposit of $600 is due upon enrollment.

For questions or to reserve a spot, contact


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to Jan 13

Build the "Temple" chair

  • 1 Front Street Rollinsford, NH (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

This class if full, please send an email to if you want to be on the waitlist.

Please read this page for more info and policies. Classes are only open to vaccinated individuals.

This 6 day class will build the “Temple” stool. This comfortable, elegant stool is fun to build and because it can be built from kiln dried woods, it’s a great introduction to chair making that can be made anywhere. During the class, we will learn to work with kiln dried woods to get parts that are straight grained with all the benefits of split wood. We will turn some parts as well as learning to drill, carve, bend, join and assemble. New photo of the project will come soon, but please note, materials will vary.

Tuition is $1900 which includes all materials and most tools. Please visit the Student tool list to learn more.

Reservations will be first come first serve. A deposit of $600 is due upon enrollment.

For questions or to reserve a spot, contact

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to Dec 10

Modern Rocking Chair Class

  • 1 Front Street Rollinsford, NH 03869 (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

This class is full, please contact me if you wish to be placed on the waitlist!

Classes are only open to vaccinated individuals.(Please contact me to assess whether this project is right for your skill level)

This 8 day course will build a rocking chair with classic technology and modern styling in white oak, maple and pine.


Tuition is $2300 which includes all materials and most tools. Please visit the Student tool list to learn more.

Reservations will be first come first serve. A deposit of $600 is due upon enrollment.

For questions or to reserve a spot, contact


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